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  • cmichaelneijia

A Key to the Impossible.. Curiosity, The Alternate Path From Exhaustion

We find the phrase, “sick and tired of being sick and tired of being sick and tired,” as the point of exhaustion that one must get to to finally be willing to change. Yet as leaders and encouragers of progress, change is the anthem from which we sing and our ability to inspire change is all about two abilities; guiding a soft hearted one and softening a hardened heart, and if exhaustion is the only way for those with a hardened heart to soften then what do we do as leaders to entice change, as the larger majority are those who don’t think they need to change or that change is not possible for them, which is the essence and source of the hardest hearts?

Standing by the recognition of infinite possibilities there is another way.. As exhaustion is the tool for those, usually unconsciously, unwilling to change we as leaders can inspire and entice change another way.. We find that an urge, a calling, a gnawing within us seems to compel us to strive for the next, and the impossible even. It is like compassion, where it is the recognition that things “could be” better that births compassion, it is the recognition that another level exist and that suggest there’s some way to get there. In other words, the recognition of possibility, with belief in oneself, speaks to the compelling nature of the inner urge.

We’ve all experienced this inner urge, as children it is called curiosity. They, worldly wisdom, say it killed the cat, yet curiosity is the key to innovation; for it is a willingness to explore an unknown.. That’s curiosity, and all things new come from the unknown, thusly the key to innovation, inspiration, freedom, and advancement is the willingness to build in and from the unknown towards a goal, which is essentially directed curiosity.

As leaders then, our key to reach the larger collective common and inspire change, is in our ability to inspire what will lead to empowered curiosity. The key to such is in presenting an irrefutable possibility, they aren’t fulfilled and with an undeniable potential, they truly could be.

If an unwilling one meets a different concept that they can’t deny is on some level possible, it will entice oddness or discomfort within them which will lead to different thoughts and eventually different conclusions which will lead to the curious thought that says the possibility might actually be possible for them too. Usually those unwilling think they are incapable, so first they ignore and deny what the possibilities implications suggest. This can be a challenge at first because they still think of themselves from the thoughts that continue to cause their identifying and defining themselves through limitations instead of infinite capability..

As the nature of an irrefutable possibility will cause a stirring, a disturbance where the limitation once felt normal, this disturbance is the fruit of beginning to feel the true value of the beliefs in limitations, and will lead to the realization one way or another that there is a better way.

Having such a realization is the basis of becoming soft hearted, or open to change and tutelage, for those most often unintentionally and unconsciously resistant to change, those who most often want things to stay the same, and instead embrace challenges and progress as the key to living out every im-possible dream.

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