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  • cmichaelneijia

Digital Currency: The Progression of ‘Man-made’ Values

The greatest concern is that this change, from Analog to Digital, both destroys what was, in terms of the perceived good, and positions currency to have no backing; which is said to cause money to be “made-up” and insubstantial.

I start with the recognition that the entire modern-day concepts of money and value exchange are all, and have always been, “made-up;” they were productions of ‘Man-made’ premises.

To back our subjective inner values by and with physical elements, which we too determined and still determine there value and thus another “made-up” layer yet made to be a foundation, further demonstrates its “made-upness.”

In the destruction of our true history, we find the true use and purpose of the physical and its elements.. to produce beneficially for all, not something to dig up and store and maybe one day again pass around; yet “at least elements didn’t evaporate like the extracted blood of the earth” says those who value the solid elements over liquid ones, which both reflects those who value the physical as substantial.

As Wisdom is noted for substantial-ness, and is an inner quality over physical one, we can see the correlation with the Spirit and the Kingdom within, and as such it stands to reason that the inner is more substantial than the outer.

The greatest value then is also inner; this would mean that whatever is of or like the inner is of greater substance and thus value.

Some argue that the Digital makes controlling us easier.. I say that the only point that matters here is that we’re already controlled. Whether easier or not, it’s still so, and as such I see it as further demonstration of The Most High behind all! Changes appear to be by ‘Man’ alone yet in truth they are only being used to set a Divine stage.

This Digital is closer to being like the Spirit and the nature of our subjective processes interacting. This is why Righteous Leaders were so significant in the times untold, the true Fair and Just use of power, position, resources, and authority.

Change is always with us, yet most fundamentally the collective are in a mind against change, as their false sense of security rest in things staying the same, and thinking superficial sameness is positively producing and accurately predictable; yet how can expecting, aiming, and working to keep the surface the same, in a world of change, going to position one to produce or predict in beneficial and high level ways.

The prophetic nature of Prophets and Analyst reveals that a world of change’s future can be seen.

In both cases they demonstrate positive, as in accurate, predictions come from understanding the changeless principle behind all the changes.. and it is this that creates true security, as one becomes ahead of impending changes.

If we look at an oak tree, those of the world aim to keep the leaves from falling off.. year after year they seek to find a way to keep the leaves the same year round. Prophets and Analyst connect with the changeless foundation of the tree, it’s ever growing roots. From here they learn how the ever growing roots, the changeless, is the source of and gives life to the many leaves in the summer and is the source and gives life to the tree to sustain it in the winter.

This also demonstrates our differences actually come from fundamental sameness; so further the thought that sameness would keep things the same is an error; hence scriptures say this is the way to death, which means that keeping things superficially the same causes them to enter the process of decay.

All this means is, even if you bandage the leaf before it falls, sew its epidermic fibers and put a stint in its stomatic lungs.. it will separate within when the time comes, yet if ‘Man’ figured out how to actually keep the leaves naturally attached.. the entire tree wouldn’t survive the winter.

Not too long ago, it was the end of the world and global freedom when central banks came along and took over nations.. it was the end when we let the dollar leave the gold for the petro, and now it’s the end because of petro to digital.. Or is it just change we could’ve long ago foresaw..

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