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  • cmichaelneijia

Contingencies: Sources of Opportunity Over Opposition

As both a Enterprise level business consultant and a Saint of Saints, or more Universally a mentor to Spiritual Leaders, I come across people of different levels of faith, in this case referring to and meaning their level of inner development and refinement; or the degree in which they have removed their log, which is also known as ones level of spiritual maturity.

As such, different types of “concerns’ arise, yet within many there’s often this particular challenge.. how to prepare for potential problems while also focusing on walking by faith, and making decisions from faith, or believing in the good. Effectively people are asking, “how do I have the strategic foresight of a Veteran from the field while still yet also maintaining the spirit of childlikeness, over childishness?” Or in other words, “how do you think like solider yet stay like a child?”

A Contingency is how we can plan for Continued Greater without fearing the worse.

Often times, people see a possible problem and basically stop there, thinking like it’s insurmountable; making the problem bigger than everything else. If no solution, they either stop or continue afraid, worrying or hoping the problem doesn’t arise.

Yet the very nature of a contingency is to create the ideal alternative solution to that problem, to create an alternative option or path where by the problem is either entirely mitigated, its impact is greatly reduced, or the essentials necessary for recovery are put in ready position. Some still fear, as they wish for their most ideal to occur; however the greater, freer, and path to higher accomplishing looks at the most ideal and each contingency as the path towards the goal, a way to continue or go for it again; equipped anew with greater wisdom as a result, able to even further better position the choices and its correlating contingencies.

The key to contingencies is to choose to appreciate which ever arises by not thinking thoughts that speak to having wished the ideal occurred; we must accept that the contingency could occur and if it does then focus on what it has helped instead of what the ideal has lost.

In addition, we find greater and increasingly more preferred contingencies if we have a mind that constantly contemplates the truth, that there are always multiple solutions to every challenge and to every goal. We must first believe a multitude of solutions exist for us to step into them, yet we can never prove multiple solutions exist unless we choose to believe it first; you won’t be able to see them if you continue to affirm that you’ve thought of everything. We must instead recognize that “I’ve thought of all I can for now.. more will come as I continue to contemplate.”

Continuing to contemplate is how we search within.

We must believe that there are solutions, that we can and will have an idea towards getting closer to the solution, or that we’ll have a thought of where to look or who to ask; yet also the continued thought will lead us towards particular, and seemingly unrelated, decisions that will in turn position us to connect with the solution or path towards it; it will cause a draw towards us as we seek an answer, instead of affirm not knowing.

“The solutions will come.” This way of thinking will produce better results than the lesser, and the more we believe such the more solutions we see, and the more solutions we see the better and more favorable our contingencies will be.

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