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Marketing the New Market: Disrupting the Saturation

The Purpose Economy and How It’s Transforming The Market As the economy continues to shift, it’s been called a Purpose Economy, as the people are supporting/buying from companies that are involved in nonprofit endeavors; philanthropically, socially, environmentally, and so forth.

As a result, we’re seeing an emphasis and impact of the Competitive Market shifting as Purpose makes a lasting impact. It makes sense that a Purpose based economy, one shifting from Profits-only based, would create a Collaborative Market, one shifting from a Competitive driven Market.

We’ve seen where this Profits-over-People, Dog-eat-Dog, Win-Lose model has begun to collapse due to significant events like the Housing Crisis of ’08, where overall the people are seeing more and more that they can’t trust this market. With companies doing anything to get a sale, to be on top, to win.. They become cold-blooded to accomplish their aims. As investors come in and earnings become more essential, the only margins focused on and backed are the ones increasing bottom lines. This last crisis shook the people and they started to be more watchful and gain an increasing awareness due to the emphasis of trust being needed.

As this need for trust grew, with the ever-present search for innovation, collaborations and partnerships with nonprofits rose; creating innovative solutions bridging the gap between profits and purpose, ultimately creating the Purpose Economy. Now the greater emphasis is in how Nonprofits have risen drastically in creation and in degrees of influence, to the point where we’re rapidly broaching Over-Saturation; where the issue is growing with which nonprofit to donate to. The greatest proof of this is in the growing trend of companies having multiple nonprofits the customer can choose interwoven with the purchase of a company’s product.

The solution being introduced here is to build strategic innovative connections that emphasize collaborative partnerships; shared venturing where people become Enterprises and as a collective of Enterprises form a company, a nonprofit, or an Enterprise.

The Over-Saturation of Donations and OPM Strategies We see where Nonprofits are moving towards the same over-saturation you find in for-profits especially with startups; essentially Donations for nonprofits are a way of leveraging Other People’s Money (OPM). As nonprofits move towards matching dynamics as there for-profit counterpart, we can see where industry norms are to move to Over-Saturation as quickly as possible in order to get as much as they can; a remnant of the Competitive Market.

This new Collaborative Market speaks to and is the result of the Purpose Economy, which is being facilitated by Cause Marketing; thus the key is in altering industry drives; which we do by building our own industries. The more entrepreneurs the more we can control and dictate what drive our opportunities and exposure.

In the old Competitive Market everyone races to be the first to tell you what new social media to be in and how to be in it. To be first to tell you of the newest features, to be first to tell you of the newest sites to integrate it into, to be first to tell you how to uniquely position yourself, the first to market with new platforms, the first to so on and so forth. There are then those looking just to get a piece of the pie of whatever wave is present at whatever point they can get in. This all makes sense in the mindset of the Competitive Market that has limited gains and winners and losers.

In the new Collaborative Market everyone focuses on how to combine resources to create synergistic results and compounded exposure. Leaders here focus on building networks of nexuses for connecting, providing resources, and streamlining relevant material for and participation in strategic events, marketing campaigns, and targeted exposure. This is highly sought after in a Collaborative Market that says there’s more than enough for everyone to be on top, that sees win-win only and thus room for everyone to win and win big.

In our solution, we look to these collective Enterprises, ones coming together and forming a single entity, in order for the people to invest in their cause as a whole; where a prioritization is placed on what’s most sustainable and beneficial for empowering continued operations alongside collectively executed solutions.

Increasing Elite Enterprises As it stands, we have a market, a niche if you will, currently under-saturated.. Elite Enterprises; which is to say Enterprises structured to scale and for the purpose of global impact and international advancement.

Elite’s position, through entrepreneurial entities, control and/or ownership of information, commodities, resources, technology, and the process of the importing and exporting. Having ourselves in the position of leveraging our every need, we create waves of disruption and further weaken the already weak structure of our supposed “United” Nations; again how United can we be in a win-lose, dog-eat-dog Market place? Alternatively how United are the Nations becoming as Purpose replaces Profits in the same Market place? We can disrupt every entire system simply by building our own and patronizing our Collective’s of Collaborative Enterprises!

In our solution, these collective Enterprises that create a single unit for their Cause, are structurally positioned to advance individually through the success of the shared entity; thusly in this Market, Elites produce more Elites which perpetuates Eliteness nationally, forming an Elite Nation; whereby Global Restructuring and Empowerment could expand from, imagine the USA the nation that restored the world, ended poverty, and ushered in an Enlightened Age!

Shared Venturing: Enterprises Forming Businesses Our Solution! As each individual turns their passions and interest into an Enterprise through strategic structuring like the Elites, they position themselves to move towards the lowest tax bracket and in alignment with the most sustainable industry along with the greatest opportunities for capital gain and cash flow.

When we take these individuals, strongly positioned, and bring them together for a definitive purpose of use, they form what we’ve simply referred to as collective Enterprises and have powerful structural integrity, reinforced legacy protection, greater exposure, wider reach of influence, and thus far more potential than standing individually or competitively.

May you join the Movement of the Market and Market Your Movement while WE Collectively Move the Market!

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