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  • cmichaelneijia

A Key to the Impossible – Inability.. The Mask of Unwillingness

We could begin this by discussing the layered nature of the impact of our personal and collective outward influences that too lead to the misconception of inability.. Yet for now I’d rather focus upon the aspect whereby the individual is expressing the belief in inability as natural reality.

You see, via societal thinking we come to believe there are things we are incapable of. From this perspective, as we observe the differences around us we determine the degree of our capability based upon either more “worldly wisdom” and determine what’s realistic is against us or maybe we bless up (which is to mean something like get lucky) and we have a higher, an empowered, thought mixed in there and we think we can, it subjects our degree of desire and our belief in our degree of capability to further pressure, if we pursue to become.

As a result of layers of “worldly wisdom”, having been the collective common, we tend to land upon believing we’re capable to a degree and having the belief that comfort is about the lack of change. These beliefs then causes us to feel pressure whenever we’re presented something we, in the moment, would deem is beyond our capability. In other words, even as the outward influences we didn’t dive into have a core part in the development via the influence of fear and disbelief as a normality, the point of power is when we recognize that, even though we weren’t taught this, it is when we make the decision to think of any negative thoughts as true we have chosen the lesser, which by spiritual wisdom is a form of wickedness because it is not of truth.

When we recognize that inability isn’t a truth, then the real reason reveals itself.. We don’t want to think differently.. towards the belief in ability; which means it’s not our actual ability yet rather our unwillingness to think differently that prevents us from accessing our potential and from accomplishing the impossible, the extravagant, and the miraculous.

Conclusively, I urge and encourage you to choose willingness.. It is the definition of soft heartedness. Choose to think differently towards any thoughts, those supposedly true, those “there’s no other reality”, those “the only way is a way beyond you”, any of those such thoughts or the likes that take you away from your desire whether of your own concoction or from your faith in others, turn the other cheek and think a higher thought, a thought that says “all things are possible…”, a thought that says “there is a way and I can get there”, a thought that says “I was made in the image and likeness of The Most High God”, a thought that says “I am whatever I choose to be and will grow in my new state of being.” It is these thoughts that are of truth, and thus by spiritual wisdom are a form of righteousness. As such, righteousness will beget further righteousness; making straight crooked places along the way of the outward unfoldment of becoming.

The Impossible, then, is accomplished by the practice of perpetual Willingness; now may you go and perpetuate the higher, where the impossible is bred and born!

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