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  • cmichaelneijia

Art: An Expression of Nature’s Technological Potential

Separation is the tool by which we experience unity and oneness, and as such, with all things being one, all things had to be subjected to this principle, a paradox that while still in it makes it seem more like a principality.

As Art, in its simplest terms, is the expression of Nature and Intellect harmoniously interplaying, we can see a fundamental challenge if separation is our governing premise, and thus tend to miss how our Intelligence, and even greater how Wisdom, impacts and influences our Art; which is also to say how our Thoughts determine our Art.

Within such, we have grown in a world mis-seen as the reality of separations realness. This, in certain times, isn’t the cause, yet after the Flood initiated and was the outward correlation of our complete descent into the illusion of separation.. we became a world of ‘Man’, which is to say we awakened believing ourselves to be our bodies and further affirmed our belief by thinking “because I can see, smell, taste it, hear it, and/or feel it I know it’s real.” Therefore ‘Man’ operated from being its body and believed its five senses validated physical reality, instead of processed our experiencing our own realities, thusly our five senses became our first fruit, a guiding principle in our heart/subconscious based off the unrecognized or under-recognized belief that separation is real and the spirit is separate from the physical.

As the full expression of man continued, growing till the fruit of separation reached its fullness, we see through history separations prevalence; ‘Man’ first separated High Priest and King simultaneously, with and through one of the earliest expression of the separation of church and state; the time post the fall of the Judges of The Tabernacle of Shiloh, who were also Kings/Queens over their respective regions; such as Melchizedek High Priest of Shiloh and King of Salem, present day Jeru‘salem’.

In other worlds, this was the time before ‘Man’ instituted government; for ‘Man’ then proceeded to separate all, as it believed all was separate and meant to be separated. Again the lens of history shows us that ‘Man’ separated science from spirituality, astronomy from astrology, as were philosophers and scholars from Sages and veterans as basically ‘Man’ took what was superficial, because we judged based off our five senses we judged only the surface, from the substantial in many places and made the lesser the greater. So further still we see where ‘Man’ separated Medicine from the Mind and from the Earth, the Inner from the Outer, Thoughts from Everything including feelings, actions, and circumstances all of which demonstrating a form of the ultimate and most fundamental erred conclusion.. the physical is separate from the spiritual.

Yet, as it relates to this piece, we also saw Art from Academics and from Wisdom; which, in the times when they were one, we can see where the “Wonders of the World” could’ve unfolded from and see why, in such times, Art was the same as technology; much like technology is the expression of nature yet under conscious control, so Art was the technology by which we took nature under conscious control.

As technology in today’s times speaks of intelligence, innovation, advancement, and possibility; it is simply demonstrating how it is returning to its truest expression which is after nature, an expression of the spirit.

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