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  • cmichaelneijia

Cultivating Human Capital: A Call to Rise Up

The key to us, our Highest nature, greater usages of our brain and its potential, the ability to call upon the deep strength and power of the body, all rest in how we think about ourselves, which is in turn how we treat ourselves and either fuel expansion or digression and repression.

Doesn’t it make sense that if to reach our best, we must have loving, empowering thoughts towards ourselves? That nurturing the self builds the self, whereas self-deprecating tears the self down. If the self is torn down how can it possible tap into all those Great qualities and align with mastering itself and the body it’s leveraging?

Yet doesn’t it also make sense that if we are building the self up through nurturing thoughts that we’ll be able to find, discover, align, develop, and grow into our ever increasing greater nature and potentials, and we’ll see the world anew.. A world seen from self-love and love towards others is the source of seeing from clarity.

Only in clarity can we truly build and cultivate the potential of all we are ourselves, and of all we as a collective can accomplish and ever continue to evolve in.

The nature of a society that replaces slavery with employees, basically and ultimately the same thing, can never create a strong nation. Where people are taught in a way to only build their skills towards repetitious and mindless activities will never build our nation as our people are being keep minimal and in the dark of so much. A society that says people are ‘hard-wired’ and thusly can’t change.. It is something, that we can’t change beyond being consumed with sexual elements with our parents (the Freudian philosophy, which isn’t the truth), trauma’s from anything challenging (speaking to our limited brains capacity to thusly its inability to handle things beyond what it knows), and on top of it all, we can’t change anyway so we’re stuck in our trauma’s. In this world, it makes sense that therapist can only help you talk about your problems yet not talk about your solutions and evolution. In having trained and taught many psychologists, over and over and over helping them see the world outside of and beyond various forms of psychosis creates a much more liberating world for them and their clients, and one with much more potential towards happiness with greater direction towards “what’s next” when clients no longer need to keep talking about the same things, the same patterns, the same problems just with different faces and move into doing something new, doing something greater, ultimately doing something that would produce change.

If only I could share the number of therapist that find clients finally ready to move on, and feeling utterly unequipped to be able to support them advancing because they only know how to talk about the past and other mental issues.

We need a world, where people are willing to believe they themselves are capable of more, and thus others too are capable of more. We must first choose to believe that World Peace is possible for us to ever come upon or stumble before the path to its accomplishing. We really just need enough.. enough of a few people to see the truth, to boldly spread deeper awareness and higher truths.. Where are my soldiers and sages that’ll come from the 4 Corners? Where is the message of hope, of the impossible simply being the first step towards its possibility? Where are the Kings and Queens obsessed with passionate love, profound insight, and work being an extension of fun and self expression? Where are is the message in society, movies, models, celebs, and leaders of all and every capacity coming together to share in a vision and thus an unfolding plan to change the world for the better, for the clearer, for the fuller, for the freer, for the higher?

Tell me, if this is not the focus of the nation, then how will the collective and majority ever reach the more??

Well I’ll tell you here today.. If one person at a time, chooses to “Be the Change, We want to see in the World,” if every person knew that every single One Person makes a huge difference today and especially tomorrow! I could tell you how so many greats and exceptional ones had just “that one person” that shared a single notion, a single method, basically and ultimately a single thought.. A single thought that spoke to more than what the world is taught in its limited notions.

Can I encourage you.. Can I urge you.. Can I compel you.. Would you simply and as a result most dynamically be One.. One who believes in World Peace, the path to Advancing beyond the Ancients and their Wonders.. When the megalithic structures where created, it was a world without government.. Can I inspire you to believe in a world without Government?? Not a world without structure, just a structure that’s more extensive and flexible to speak to all the varieties of expression??

Would this not create a world that could facilitate, position, and enhance people’s naturally nature to provided solutions and innovation??

My point.. To truly tap into the fullness of Human Capital.. we must have an environment that speaks and supports that expression. We can’t be greater if we believe that lesser things are “just the way it is.” Yet if we challenge the old, challenge the norm, challenge the familiar.. if we believe we can do all things, we are infinitely capable, that change is worth the work it requires.. Then not only would we begin tapping into our potential, we’d be creating a world where potentials can grow readily and exponentially. We need to change in ourselves, in order to see how we can encourage and inspire change in others; if we could give up wanting others to change first. If we could dive into changing ourselves together.. This is where our greatest and fullest potentials exist.

So again, a society where the leaders of the mind can’t even help people tap into using their minds in a forward way, yet only in examining the past, cannot produce a strong nation.

If we seek a strong nation, a nation that can change the world.. we need people educated upon the true nature of their selves, through the recognition and examination of what begets all choices.. thought.

Let us teach people, not about academics that solely rely upon memory. Let’s not make test that only demonstrate how well we remember specific information. Instead.. let us create education that speaks to the symbolic, multifaceted nature of all things. That speaks to our ability to ever learn and ever grow, that cultivates not just critical thinking yet increasing emphasis on the nature of thought itself and the impact of loving thoughts versus fear based thoughts, thoughts of compassion versus thoughts of expectations, thoughts of change versus thoughts of keeping things comfortable.

To tap into and direct others towards their greater potentials we must first get them to acknowledge and recognize the impact of the way they currently think. The goal then being to see its fruit and thus trace the fruit back to the truth of the soil and seed that produced it. Then recognizing and putting to work and practice the soil and seeds of a higher truth for a greater future.

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