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  • cmichaelneijia

How is it that Technology is an Expression of Nature..?

First we’ll look at the different titles given technology from different times, cultures, and ages. Once termed for anything that represented the “how-to” of something, thusly in their correlating era Knowledge was once as we see technology today, during one period science was the equivalent, and so were magic and spells, witchcraft and herbology, pottery and artistry, poetry and storytelling, music and language, crafts and dance, meditation and exercise, formulas and recipes, and further still..

If we look at different periods with such a lens we move closer to understanding that which produced the civilizations of engineering and architectural advancements, also forms of technology in their day, still beyond our modern advancements, capabilities, and understandings.

So.. Nature then, when we examine the nature of nature we see growth, expansion, evolution, cycles, exchange, among others. We also see from the broadest perspective that nature is cooperative over competitive, symbiotic and synergistic over wild and chaotic; for the animals they don’t see it as survival of the fittest, fight or flight, survive or die.. This speaks to the animals being in a place of acceptance and empowerment, it’s I do what I choose to do and thrive for us all to survive.

In these we find one thing leading to another and one thing interacting with another; as an acorn produces a whole forest and as the wind blows against trees and flowers. What we’re seeing is the building and exchanging of information as well as sets of information influencing other sets of information, which is the bases of technology.

Nature also shows itself as the source of technology in how different categories of nature have various, yet specific to themselves, ways of processing and impacting information; such as limestone having kinds that are and that aren’t electrically conductive, speaking of how different limestone’s process and impact electricity. Similar to storing and transferring, or sending and receiving, data or information, elements hold and release ‘energy,’ or information in and to vary degrees.

All of nature, all elements, are living; the spirit moves in them, as it moves in all, and dictates there instinctive nature and/or there process of change. It is the unction of the spirit that moves the caterpillar to seek a high place, to then wrap itself in seclusion for a process it is still yet unaware of; just as it is the spirit that increases or decreases the charge that interacts with a piece of limestone. As living is the inner process of, and that produces, there correlating changes, which is how they grow and die, rise and fall, and shift through there cycles we can further see how living is the spirit at work.

Technology, then, is simply how we express our “dominion over” and direct and influence information, which is nature, which is an expression and unfoldment of the spirit.

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