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  • cmichaelneijia

The S.P.R.E.W 1 – An Elite Mind

All accomplishments have at there base a thought, which is the same as its principle for unfoldment. All great accomplishments have a series of correlating and supportive thoughts, or principles that are working in tandem.

All accomplishments are the fruit of a thought and how its environment shaped its growth. Our environment also dictates the degree and quality of our thoughts growth. Our thoughts though work in tandem will still yet support either compartmentalize segments, creating a fragmented self and thus low level characteristics, or harmonious integration, creating oneness of self and thus high level characteristics.

We also recognize that all seeds have a set outcome, so to do our thoughts. If we have a desire, and eventually an idea, we must recognize the nature of our environment, or soil, which is simply a belief or series of beliefs we already hold and how that impacts our desires or ideas growth; as we see a seed in rocky soil has no growth, a seed in thorny soil grows stuntedly and often dies prematurely, and a seed in fertile soil is destined for full maturation and the fruition of an abundant harvest.

The key to power then isn’t knowledge itself, it’s knowledge with uplifting empowered beliefs that turns head knowledge into internalized wisdom of the heart; which perpetuates a consistent empirical progression of implications thus producing true power through empowered exploration instead of a false sense power through fear and manipulation.

As we recognized these qualities it became clear that the only difference between poverty and wealth was a thought, and the successive thoughts it causes when from the proper environment.

We further recognized this key element was the only difference between wealth and elite wealth, between millionaires and billionaires, between billionaires and centibillionaires, and even between centibillionaires and the future trillionaires on the rise.

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