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  • cmichaelneijia

To Aspiring Entrepreneurs, Faith is the Way

The trend is consistent, societal norms or belief in more, worldly wisdom or spiritual wisdom, fear and doubt or faith and determination.

There are those who are stuck in the pain of the past and lies taught from manipulated consumerism. The fear that others are against, that others will do you wrong, that those with the means only want to rip you off, that the “whatever race you want to use” does anything against, that people don’t deliver, and we could get more specific and technical with this yet the emphasis here is that these thoughts, even if true, can not be the center of our focus.

How inspired do we feel when we think about these possibilities only? How do they effect productivity, drive, and solution orientated thinking? To what degree would you choose to give to the person that doubts you compared to the one who has full faith in you; yet some think that we’ll get the best support and professional relationships even as they doubt everyone they could potential work with!

Yet alternatively, how would it effect your day, brainstorming sessions, your productivity, your relationships if you walked with faith in YOUR outcome because your faith is in God and thusly your faith in the one sent to you is the easy for you know they area part of getting you to that moment where everything comes to past.

If we trusted that the next person, the next move, the next idea was exactly what we needed to further bring our desire into form; what kind of way would we walk, how would we talk, would our passion more readily reveal itself, would inspired thoughts come more often with increasing potentialities!?!

For YES! We all know the fruit, the outcome, the results of spending our mental energy in doubt and disbelief, both about ourselves and as a result the others in our lives. However, if we think differently doesn’t it make sense we’ll gain different results!? And aren’t we pursuing our dream through our vision because we want something different than what we were doing!? Then if we wish to do different, we must first be different, and we be different by thinking differently!

So to those aspiring towards anything recognize that we must believe, we must prepare for successful contacts and opportunities, not those we have disbelief or fear towards.

“Each thought” is a simple enough concept, however the belief, or rather more accurately the disbelief, that “thought holds no value” and that “logic says the past is the truth” keeps some remaining in the same space instead of progressing exponentially within their infinite capabilities.

The truth is simple, it is the most simple yet that is why it is most complex; for to be highly simple requires the ultimate refinement. See, if God is the beginning and the end, alpha and omega, then it was the most complex that created the most simple; thusly it is within high levels of refinement, high levels of skills, that simplicity becomes the key method of their consistent next level progression into the already so-ness.

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